5 YouTube Channels That Will Inspire You to Travel

The internet is an almost limitless source of travel inspiration, with incredible destinations from all over the world to see with just a few simple searches. Rather than spending time browsing through travel brochures, that let’s be honest can be pretty boring, or traipsing down to the local travel agent, it can feel so much more exciting discovering amazing places to visit yourself online! 

Of course, more traditional forms of travel research can still be great such as magazines or guide books, but online it becomes that little bit more interesting with all the inspiring content that now exists.

La Gomera

You can find inspiring travel visuals across all the social networks, but if you’re looking for the very best in video content, then the go-to site is definitely still YouTube. 

What makes YouTube such an amazing source for researching your next exhilarating, relaxing or breathtakingly beautiful destination is the sheer volume of video content that exists. Over two billion logged-in users visit YouTube every month, with over a billion hours watched daily!

These and many other statistics for the site are simply mind-blowing and really put into perspective how important the site is for both those of you browsing and for creators. Often when you start watching one video you can find yourself several hours later, having watched a whole host of others, because of the almost addictive quality of YouTube. 

As much as I love the site though, to help save you time, I have compiled a list of 5 YouTube accounts that will inspire you to travel. While YouTube is filled with awe-inspiring visual content, I'm sure these accounts will definitely give you some ideas of where to head to next!
Beautiful Destinations
High on Life

Nathaniel Drew
Ben Brown

Hey Nadine

I hope that these channels give you some great inspiration to get out there and see the world and explore new places this decade. I'd love to hear about any YouTube channels that you have found with incredible travel videos, so feel free to share them with me in the comments section below or via social media.

Happy adventures! 


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